Wednesday, July 8, 2009

吉胆岛写生绘画展 Art painting competiton and exhibition at Pulau Ketam



0966日与7日,马乡与专业美术学院,在Pulau Ketam 联办了一场画展与写生赛。




On 6th and 7th of June 2009, there is an art painting and tournament competition at Pulau Ketam, co-organized by Masean Arts & Dance Academy and Art Specialist.

There are more than 60 person from Masean and Art Specialist’s teachers, students and parents have added an art culture to the island. This is a good chance for islanders to have a close contact with the art atmosphere by visited art exhibition and participants in painting competition on the island.

We who live in city are almost isolated from the nature having opportunity to visit marine fish farms, sea aboriginal village, shipyards and ice-making factory, has enriched our knowledge of nature.

This art exhibition held in public exhibition halls, have attracted at least part of the residents from island, however, there are only few of them participants in art painting event. Although this activities are unsuccessfully, but hopefully this event can enhance the artistic life of the islanders temperament.

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